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May 21, 3:27AM
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May 16, 10:17AM
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May 19, 3:59AM

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May 16, 10:17AM
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May 14, 6:47AM

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May 14, 6:47AM

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May 11, 8:00PM
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May 11, 8:00PM
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May 11, 9:18AM
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May 09, 9:17AM

Yes娛樂 5月9日綜合報導 吳奇隆自從公開與女友劉詩詩的戀情后,外界就對兩人的感情進展窮追猛打,讓吳奇隆著實有些招架不住。而近日,吳奇隆接受了「好基友」葉祖新的採訪,曝光了他「二十四孝好男人」的一面。
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